Manuscript Reviews

help us make a good book—be a manuscript reviewer

Manuscript Reviewers read chapter drafts and provide feedback that helps us and the authors improve them. They comment on the writing, technical content, examples, source code, Table of Contents, and even offer their opinions on the state of the technology or reader needs. This article describes it from a reviewer's point of view. The goal of a manuscript review is to improve the quality of the book or the video course prior to publication, by testing the content's relevance, accuracy, readability and scope of coverage.

what are the requirements?

All you need is to be interested in the topic. While expertise is certainly helpful, we need reviews both from experts and beginners. We currently have more than 10,000 reviewers to draw upon with varying interests and levels of expertise. The manuscript review is a vital part of making a great product and all Manning chapters are reviewed multiple times by many people.

what do I get?

All potential Manuscript Reviewers will receive periodic newsletters from Manning with information about the upcoming reviews of books and our other products. Reviewers are not paid. They are acknowledged in the book or the video course they reviewed and they receive a complimentary electronic copy of it. They also receive 5000 Manning tokens. This invitation is open to anyone with feedback to share, including MEAP subscribers.

Our pool of reviewers is used to recruit for paid roles, such as tech proofers, TDEs, and even book authors. These roles have lots of influence over the direction and development of our books and other products.

liveProject beta testing

Testing a liveProject is a bit different from reviewing a book or a video course. It includes giving feedback via chat, answering the feedback questions, attending a mentoring session, and filling out the final feedback form. In turn you will have unlimited access to that liveProject (meaning even once we’re done with beta testing and it is published) and 90-days unlimited access to relevant Manning resources.


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