Location-Aware Applications you own this product

Richard Ferraro and Murat Aktihanoglu
  • July 2011
  • ISBN 9781935182337
  • 320 pages
  • printed in black & white

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Location-Aware Applications is a comprehensive guide to the technology and business of creating compelling location-based services and applications. The book walks you through the LBS landscape, from mapping technologies to available platforms; from toolkits to business questions like monetization and privacy.

about the book

Mobile customers want entertainment, business apps, and on-the-go services that recognize and respond to location. This book will guide you through the technology and business of mobile applications so you can create competitive and innovative apps based on location-based services. It is an engaging look at the LBS landscape, from choosing the right mobile platform, to making money with your application, to dealing with privacy issues. It provides insight into a wealth of ideas for LBS development so you can build the next killer app.

what's inside

  • Managing location-aware content
  • Making money from location-based services
  • Augmented reality and tablets
  • Detailed examples for iPhone and Android

about the reader

This book is written for developers and business pros—no prior knowledge of location-based services is assumed.

about the authors

Ric Ferraro cofounded GeoMe Communications, a location-aware app innovator. Murat Aktihanoglu is the founder of Centrl.com, a location-based social network.

A practical technology- and business-oriented introduction.

Gabor Paller, Ericsson

Clear and concise. You will never be lost while reading this book.

Jeff Addison, Southgate Software Ltd

The Rosetta Stone of location-based mobile services.

Valentin Crettaz, Gomzee

A definitive source...highly recommended!

Dr. Florian Resatsch, friendticker.com

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