Ext JS in Action

Jesus Garcia
  • December 2010
  • ISBN 9781935182115
  • 496 pages
  • printed in black & white

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Look inside

Ext JS in Action is a comprehensive guide to Ext JS. By following its rich examples, patterns, and best practices, you'll achieve the kinds of results you only see in top JavaScript applications. This book thoroughly explores every class, component, and model, and shows you how to build rich, dynamic user interfaces and responsive applications. You will learn Ext JS inside and out—and your apps will stand out from the crowd.

about the technology

This cross-browser JavaScript library provides an extensive collection of high-quality widgets, an intuitive and extensible component model, and a rich API that enterprise developers find especially comfortable to use. And they have used it to build rock-solid web applications, in many very different companies including Adobe, Aetna, Amazon, Best Buy, Hallmark, Panasonic, Pixar, Siemens, Sony, and Visa.

what's inside

  • Explore the depths of Ext JS 3.0
  • Create rich and dynamic UIs
  • Extend the framework and write plug-ins
  • Watch the author develop an Ext JS app

about the reader

This book assumes a reader with a foundation in JavaScript, but no previous exposure to Ext JS.

about the author

Jesus "Jay" Garcia is an Ext JS community leader. Since 2006, he has deployed and optimized Ext JS world-class applications for many corporations.

Outstanding resource for using Ext JS!

Dan McKinnon, MITRE Corporation

An easy-to-understand walk-through of Ext JS 3.

Mitchell Simaens, Senior Web Developer

Takes the complexity out of a complex interface.

Ric Peller, Management Dynamics

Really EXTends your knowledge!

Jeroen Benckhuijsen, Atos Origin

This is a handy book!

Orhan Alkan, Oracle