hapi.js in Action you own this product

  • December 2016
  • ISBN 9781633430211
  • 384 pages
  • printed in black & white
  • Available translations: Simplified Chinese
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Hapi.js in Action teaches you how to build modern Node-driven applications using hapi.js. Packed with examples, this book takes you from your first simple server through the skills you'll need to build a complete application.

about the technology

The hapi.js web framework for Node.js is built around three radical ideas. Developer productivity: hapi's intuitive setup gets you up and running in no time. Maintainability: hapi's modular design allows for easy scaling and improvement. Flexibility: hapi has a lightweight core that you can expand and customize with plugins. Are you ready to get hapi?

about the book

Hapi.js in Action is an incredibly practical book that teaches you to build APIs, servers, and applications using Node.js and the hapi.js framework. You'll begin with an easy-to-follow mental model of a Node.js web application and see exactly where hapi fits into the picture. Then, you'll walk through building an API and composing it into a web application. Along the way, you'll explore key topics like validation, testing, authentication, and deployment. Throughout, you'll learn how to build rock-solid, secure, and fast applications.

what's inside

  • Best practices for Node application design
  • Building APIs with hapi
  • Maintaining and scaling applications
  • Extending hapi with plugins

about the reader

This book assumes you have strong JavaScript skills. Experience with Node.js is helpful but not required.

about the author

Matt Harrison is a core contributor to hapi.js and an active member of the Node community.

Not just the best, but the only hapi.js reference you'll ever need.

Stephen Byrne, Dell

A pleasure to read, with excellent real-world examples.

Philippe Charriere, GitHub

This book made creating my first hapi.js app a joy!

Jeroen Benckhuijsen, GROUP9
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Not Worth the Time...
June 3, 2021 by MikeS (AL, United States)
“I was very disappointed with this book. First, it was written for a much older version of Hapi than is available today. Since this book was written the framework has changed so much that this book is obsolete. I would not suggest that anyone who is new to Hapi waste their hard-earned dollars on this manuscript.”
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