C# by Example

Denis Panjuta and Jafar Jabbarzadeh
  • ISBN 9781633439009
  • 325 pages (estimated)
  • printed in black & white
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Master professional C# software development skills by creating eleven projects and minigames!

In C# by Example you’ll master core C# skills by building eleven working applications including:

  • An Interactive story-telling program
  • A roll-the-dice app
  • A Number-guesser game
  • A complete Tic Tac Toe game
  • A Word-guesser game
  • A timed bomb-defusing minigame
  • A checksum file checker application
  • A secret message encryptor
  • An SMTP mass email sender
  • A Discord chatbot

Do you want to code video games, create mobile and desktop apps, or work as a highly-paid enterprise developer? Mastering C# will put you on the fast track! C# by Example hones your C# skills through eleven tiny projects that guide you through core C# concepts and techniques. You’ll quickly learn everything about the C# programming language, then dive into projects that teach advanced development techniques like security measures, working with APIs, and developing readable code.

about the technology

C# is a flexible and powerful language that can be used for everything from large-scale business applications to game development. It’s object-oriented, type-safe, and gives you access to Microsoft’s robust .NET framework. The eleven tiny projects in this unique book will teach you C# fundamentals with creative, portfolio-friendly applications.

about the book

C# by Example teaches you skills to build real C# to apps through eleven fun and engaging projects. Authors Denis Panjuta and Jaffar Jabbarzadeh are both rockstar instructors, and have honed their extensive teaching experience by developing courses for over 300,000 students. In this hands-on guide, you’ll build bomb-defusing minigames, create effective Discord bots, secret message encryptors, and more. Each project puts essential techniques like developing algorithms or data encryption and data manipulation into action. Work through all the projects, and you’ll end up with both serious C# skills and a collection of applications that are ready to polish and ship!

about the reader

For programmers experienced in object-oriented programming.

about the authors

Denis Panjuta and Jafar Jabbarzadeh are developers, content creators, and on-field practitioners. They have more than 20 years of programming and content creation experience. Their best selling video courses have taught over 300,000 students.

If you want to learn C# by completing projects, this is the book for you!

Jeff Smith

A fantastic choice to discover C# concepts.

Luigi Zambetti

This is the book you need to read if you want to learn C# by actually programming.

Felix Moreno
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“Great value”
Highly recommended for those who want to learn C# as a second language like myself.
March 6, 2023 by Ben (Spain)
“As someone who has never worked with C# yet but has significant experience in java, I quite liked how the book gradually increased in difficulty giving me a chance to get used to C# before getting to the bigger projects in the later chapters. I would highly recommend it.”
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I trusted them since they have proven to me to have good books in the past.
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I decided to learn C# and thought that this could be a good book to get into it.
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“Great value”
January 3, 2023 by A Reviewer (Belgium)
“I really like the concept of the tiny projects, it is easy to follow and implement. Looking forward for the next chapters! Cheers”
Product Choice
I want to get a deeper knowledge of C#
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“Great buy”
Probably the best book to learn C#
November 28, 2022 by hpld (IL, United States)
“I've read through the MEAP and so far I'm enjoying the content. The MEAP teaches you the basics of C# while going to some more intermediate-level topics by the end of the book. If you want to learn C# this book is a great starting point mainly because of the projects present in this book.”
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“Great value”
September 27, 2022 by A Reviewer (Belgium)
“The book is written well. I had no problems understanding what the author was writing about. The topics start from the basics of C# and get more advanced to the end. Hope the last chapters are going to be even more advanced.”
Verified Buyer
“Good value”
Tiny projects to review & enhance my knowledge
December 23, 2022 by Matthew L. (KY, United States)
“I will be teaching C# for the first time in spring 2023. I was looking for something to help me review my knowledge, point out gaps in my knowledge, and perhaps provide a project I might want to use in class. This is a winner for me in all three aspects. Four stars instead of five merely because it is incomplete.”
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Have bought previous Manning publications and was pleased with them.
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I am teaching C# for the first time in the Spring of 2023, and I thought another point-of-view would help me prepare the lessons.

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