Data-Oriented Programming in Java you own this product

Chris Kiehl
  • MEAP began September 2024
  • Publication in June 2025 (estimated)
  • ISBN 9781633436930
  • 375 pages (estimated)
  • printed in black & white

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Simplify your Java code with data-oriented programming!

Data is the heart of your code. Data-oriented programming is a programming technique that enables you to precisely model domains and write large enterprise-scale applications that are oriented around the data they manage. Take a data-oriented approach to your Java applications, and you’ll enjoy simpler state management, improved readability, and no more state-related bugs!

Data-Oriented Programming in Java teaches you how to use immutable strongly typed data effectively and take full advantage of the modern data-oriented features built into the Java language.

In Data-Oriented Programming in Java and you’ll learn how to:

  • Model your domain accurately using records, sealed classes, and pattern matching
  • Use objects to manage side-effects
  • Harness the power of plain data
  • Make illegal states impossible to represent
  • Let the data types guide your implementation
  • Never write another Null check or experience another NPE!

Data-Oriented Programming in Java shows you how to transform how you think about Java code by adopting a data-first mindset. Author Chris Kiehl has honed his data-oriented Java skills in the trenches of daily development at Amazon. This guide reveals those hard-earned techniques and approaches that will elevate your skills as a Java coder.

about the book

In Data-Oriented Programming in Java you’ll learn what you might have thought was impossible: how to use Java’s type system to make code self-documenting, implicit behaviors explicit, and incorrect states impossible to even compile. This practical book teaches you how to use records, sealed classes, and pattern matching to represent the data in your domain, explore data’s inherent meaning and semantics, and represent them in their code. Each new concept is fully illustrated with a hands-on example that demonstrates how DOP helps you write scalable, testable, and maintainable code.

about the reader

For intermediate Java programmers.

about the author

Chris Kiehl is a senior software engineer at Amazon.

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