Game Programming Design Patterns

With examples in C# and Unity
Harrison Ferrone
  • ISBN 9781633439757
  • 275 pages (estimated)
  • printed in black & white
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Learn 15 essential design patterns that will save you time and improve the quality of your games.

In Game Programming Design Patterns: With examples in C# and Unity you will learn how to:

  • Implement the most important design patterns in C# with industry best practices
  • Integrate each design pattern into Unity with real-world game scenarios
  • Think critically about code architecture, systems design, and scalability
  • Create flexible, scalable, and maintainable C# code and Unity programs
  • Pick the right design pattern to solve specific problems

Game Programming Design Patterns: With examples in C# and Unity reveals how design patterns can help you level up the quality of your game code. This engaging and practical book presents classic design patterns, like Factory, Observer, and Event Queue, using Unity GameObjects, ScriptableObjects, and C#. You’ll see how Creational patterns like Prototype and Dependency Injection can be used to build essential features like enemy spawning systems. You’ll also apply Behavioral patterns like Command and State for enemy AI, and utilize Structural patterns like Flyweight and Adapter to support application architecture.

about the technology

Software design patterns are well-established solutions can be applied in any language or software environment, including Unity games and C#. This book shows you just how easy design patterns make delivering game code that is flexible, scalable, maintainable, and easy for other developers to read and modify.

about the book

Game Programming Design Patterns teaches you 15 essential design patterns that will streamline your game’s codebase. Each chapter introduces a new pattern and shows you how to implement it in both pure C# code in Unity. Author Harrson Ferrone explains a pattern’s building blocks in a way that’s easy to understand and easy to customize to your project. Every concept is illustrated with a great game development example. You’ll tinker with enemy spawning systems, inventory creation, and even character customization UIs. Best of all, every pattern you learn is fully transferable to other languages, allowing you to build software outside the games industry.

about the reader

For software developers at any point in their game development journey. To get the most out of this book, you’ll need to know the basics of C# and Unity. No experience with design patterns required.

about the author

Harrison Ferrone is a bestselling technical author and editor, experience-driven software engineer, and a veteran instructional content creator. He has eight years of experience teaching and working in the mobile and game development space at companies like Microsoft and PricewaterhouseCoopers. Harrison loves to code, to learn, and above all, he loves to make things.