Hadoop in Action, Second Edition

Chuck P. Lam, Mark W. Davis, and Ajit Gaddam
  • ISBN 9781617291227
  • 525 pages (estimated)
  • printed in black & white
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Hadoop in Action, Second Edition, provides a comprehensive introduction to Hadoop and shows you how to write programs in the MapReduce style. It starts with a few easy examples and then moves quickly to show how Hadoop can be used in more complex data analysis tasks. You'll discover how YARN, new in Hadoop 2, simplifies and supercharges resource management to make streaming and real-time applications more feasible. Included are best practices and design patterns of MapReduce programming. The book expands on the first edition by enhancing coverage of important Hadoop 2 concepts and systems, and by providing new chapters on data management and data science that reinforce a practical understanding of Hadoop.

about the technology

The massive datasets required for most modern businesses are too large to safely store and efficiently process on a single server. Hadoop is an open source data processing framework that provides a distributed file system so you can manage data stored across clusters of servers and implements the MapReduce data processing model so you can effectively query and utilize big data. The new Hadoop 2.0 is a stable, enterprise-ready platform supported by a rich ecosystem of tools and related technologies such as Pig, Hive, YARN, Spark, Tez, and many more.

what's inside

  • Introduction to MapReduce
  • Examples illustrating ideas in practice
  • Hadoop's Streaming API
  • Data science using Hadoop
  • Related tools and technologies, like Pig, Hive, YARN, Spark, Tez, and many more

about the reader

This book requires basic Java skills. Knowing basic statistical concepts can help with the more advanced examples.

about the authors

Chuck Lam and Mark Davis have been working with Hadoop since its earliest days. Chuck is a serial startup veteran and the original author of Hadoop in Action. Mark founded the Hadoop analytics company, Kitenga and is now a Distinguished Big Data Analytics Engineer for Dell and the Big Data Lead for the IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative.

Ajit Gaddam is a technologist, serial entrepreneur, and an information security expert. He is a frequent speaker at high-profile conferences and is an active participant in various open source and security architecture standards bodies.

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