Java Development with Ant you own this product

Erik Hatcher and Steve Loughran
Foreword by Sam Ruby, Director of the Apache Software Foundation
  • August 2002
  • ISBN 9781930110588
  • 672 pages

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Manning's Java Development with Ant won First Runner Up - Best Book 2003, Congratulations Erik and Steve! Read the press release.

Java Development with Ant systematically explores what Ant can do, and how to apply it to your project. Whether you are new to Ant, or an experienced user, this book will show you powerful and creative uses for Ant. The book emphasizes basic concepts you need to know to effectively use Ant starting with Ant's XML-driven build process. It leads you step-by-step through everything you need to know to compile, test, package and deploy an application. It then guides you through the maze of more complex situations common in larger projects such as enterprise Java applications and Web Services. With this book you will gain access to a powerful tool to automatically build, test and deploy your Java software, no matter how simple or complex it might be.

about the technology

The most widely used build tool for Java projects, Ant is cross-platform, extensible, simple, and fast. It scales from small personal projects to large, multi-team J2EE projects. And, most important, it's easy to learn.

about the book

Translation rights for Java Development with Ant have been granted for Taiwan. If you are interested in learning where to buy this book in a language other than English, please inquire at your local bookseller.

what's inside

  • The new Ant 1.5 features
  • Ant's datatypes and property handling
  • JUnit testing and reporting
  • Continuous integration techniques
  • XDoclet for attribute-oriented programming
  • EJB generation, building, and packaging
  • Writing and testing native code
  • Building Web Services with Apache Axis
  • Deploying your system to multiple remote servers
  • Using and writing
    • Loggers
    • Listeners
    • Selectors
    • Custom tasks

about the authors

Erik Hatcher, an Ant project committer, has written popular articles on Ant's JUnit integration. He maintains jGuru's Ant FAQ where he answers the world's toughest Ant questions. Erik lives in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Steve Loughran designs and builds production Web Services using Java and Ant. Prior to this, he was a research scientist in Hewlett Packard Laboratories in England. Steve lives in Corvallis, Oregon.

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