Kubernetes on Windows

Jay Vyas and James Sturtevant
  • ISBN 9781617299735
  • 325 pages (estimated)
  • printed in black & white
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Run Windows nodes and seamlessly deploy .NET applications on a Kubernetes cluster.

In Kubernetes on Windows you will learn how to:

  • Bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster and add Windows nodes
  • Configure Kubernetes to deploy Windows applications into a cluster
  • Configure networking and storage of a Windows node
  • Build and store container images in a container registry
  • Design container-native access to services such as Active Directory and SQL Server
  • Upgrade Windows and perform logging and monitoring of a Windows node
  • Handle scheduling and performance for Windows on clusters

Kubernetes on Windows reveals how to operate Windows applications in Kubernetes. It teaches you how to create your own Windows-enabled Kubernetes cluster from scratch and how to manage day-to-day operations of a Kubernetes cluster. You’ll learn best practices and cutting edge developments from Jay Vyas and James Sturtevant, both Kubernetes core committers who have worked on making Windows Kubernetes a stable project.

about the technology

Containerized applications that run on Kubernetes are quickly replacing traditional hypervisors. Windows containers allow Microsoft developers to containerize applications and join the mass migration to Kubernetes.

about the book

Kubernetes on Windows is a guide to successfully running windows and .NET applications on a Kubernetes cluster. You’ll dive straight into standing up a Kubernetes cluster and deploying workloads, following careful guidance that’s focused on the unique issues of Windows devs. Learn to configure ASP.NET applications to run on Kubernetes, set up networking policies with various CNI providers such as Calico and Antrea, and integrate active directory with GMSA. By the time you’re done, you’ll be ready to manage the day-to-day operations of a Kubernetes cluster with Windows nodes. Written by two core Kubernetes committers, this book contains cutting edge developments that you can use for brand new applications and legacy monoliths.

about the reader

For experienced Windows admins or developers who have deployed applications to on-prem machines.

about the authors

Jay Vyas has been contributing to upstream Kubernetes for over four years, working on the e2e test framework, and various networking and scheduling related features. He currently works at VMWare.

James Sturtevant is an Kubernetes tech lead for sig-windows, and contributes to the cluster-api initiatives including the image-builder project. Previously, he helped blaze the trail for Windows support in upstream Kubernetes for enterprises by contributing to the stable release of Windows in 1.14. He currently works at Microsoft.