Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches, Second Edition you own this product

Elton Stoneman
  • MEAP began February 2025
  • Publication in Fall 2025 (estimated)
  • ISBN 9781633438460
  • 425 pages (estimated)
  • printed in black & white

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Just the Docker you need to know in 22 bite-sized lessons!

No matter what role you have in IT, you’re likely to touch Docker at some point. Whether you’re deploying a pre-built application, creating a secure test environment, or packaging components in a microservices system, Docker provides a straightforward system for bundling all the pieces together in a safe, portable “container” you can drop wherever it’s needed. In this freshly-revised bestseller, Docker expert Elton Stoneman guides through using containers for cloud migration, microservices, and handling legacy systems–all in 22 short lessons you can complete on your lunch break.

In Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches, Second Edition you’ll learn everything you need to know about Docker, including how to:

  • Run applications in Docker containers on Linux and Windows
  • Package applications as Docker images and share them on registries
  • Model and run distributed applications with Docker Compose
  • Add instrumentation to containerized applications
  • Build and deploy apps with Docker in a CI/CD process

Docker revolutionized the way engineers build software. By bundling an application together with all its dependencies in a portable “container” that can be deployed almost anywhere, Docker makes it possible to manage applications without creating custom infrastructures. Free, open source, and battle-tested, Docker has quickly become must-know technology for developers and administrators.

about the book

Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches, Second Edition delivers the core skills you’ll need to do most Docker tasks in just 22 short lessons. The book is hands-on all the way. Each short chapter guides you through an essential concept, ending with a self-contained lab you can use to practice your new skill. The samples are all guaranteed to work on any Linux, Windows, or Mac system. You’ll explore building and running Docker apps in Go, Java, Node, and .NET, adding observability with monitoring dashboards, running databases in containers, running containers in the cloud, and migrating legacy systems to Docker. There's even a primer on using Kubernetes to manage your containers!

about the reader

For readers from any technical background—developers, admin, and DevOps all welcome!

about the author

Elton Stoneman is a Docker Captain, a multiyear Microsoft MVP, and the author of dozens of online training courses with Pluralsight and Udemy. He spent most of his career designing and delivering large enterprise systems. Now he works as a consultant and trainer, helping organizations at all stages of their container journey.

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