Getting Started with Spark bundle

Spark gives you the speed you need to run top-notch analytics on your distributed data sets. Master the basics, then get to grips with data partitioning, processing near-real-time streaming data, applying machine learning and more.

Save $57.99 on these two items:
  • Spark in Action, Second Edition This is in eBook format
  • Spark in Motion This is a liveVideo
Getting Started with Spark bundle is not available for sale.

Spark in Action, Second Edition

Spark in Action, Second Edition, teaches you to create end-to-end analytics applications. In this entirely new book, you’ll learn from interesting Java-based examples, including a complete data pipeline for processing NASA satellite data. And you’ll discover Java, Python, and Scala code samples hosted on GitHub that you can explore and adapt, plus appendixes that give you a cheat sheet for installing tools and understanding Spark-specific terms.

Spark in Motion

See it. Do it. Learn it! Spark in Motion teaches you to use Spark for big data analytics through high-quality video-based lessons and built-in exercises, so you can put what you learn into practice.

Spark in Motion teaches you how to use Spark for batch and streaming data analytics. In nearly 3 hours of hands-on video lessons, you'll get up and running with Spark, starting with the basic architecture of a Spark application. You'll explore data partitioning and accessing common application state, and then you'll deep-dive into using Spark SQL and dataframes for structured analytics. Finally, you'll use Spark Streaming to handle and process real-time data flowing into your application.

Getting Started with Spark bundle is not available for sale.