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Rust programming basics • web services basics
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Rust application framework for HTTP server applications
Michael Yuan
1 week · 2-4 hours per week · BEGINNER

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You’re a new developer at UMET Inc., an e-commerce platform that’s modernizing its backend technology stack with Rust. Your task is to create a simple HTTP service that looks up sales tax rates for U.S. ZIP codes and then deploy it in a lightweight container. To build the service, you’ll use Rust Tokio and hyper crates. You’ll compile, run, and test it in a lightweight WasmEdge container and use GitHub Actions to automatically test and validate any changes that you make. When you’re finished, you’ll have hands-on experience building, updating, and testing a minimally viable microservice using Rust and WebAssembly.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Michael Yuan

Dr. Michael Yuan is the founder and maintainer of the open -source WasmEdge project — one of the most popular WebAssembly (Wasm) runtimes for server and edge applications. He is also the creator of LlamaEdge, a cross-platform, embeddable, and cloud-native runtime for AI applications, supporting LLMs and popular vision and speech models. Dr. Yuan is the author of 5 books on software engineering and a frequent speaker at conferences such as KubeCon, Open Source Summit, QCon, Rust Conf, VMWare Explore, COSCon, and Wasm I/O. He has designed and implemented enterprise applications and server-side software infrastructure since the early 2000s. Dr. Yuan holds a PhD in Astrophysics from the University of Texas at Austin.


This liveProject is for developers who are interested in creating lightweight cloud-native applications in Rust. To begin these liveProjects you’ll need to be familiar with the following:

  • Basics of programming with a compiled language such as C, C++, Go, Swift, or Kotlin
  • Basics of the workflow of building with compilers
  • Linux basics
  • Basics of Git, GitHub, and GitHub Actions
  • GitHub account (registration is free)
  • Rust and Cargo toolchain
  • WasmEdge Runtime
  • Basics of HTTP-based web services
  • Basics of the 3-tier architecture for web applications


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