HTTP-based Communication you own this product

basic knowledge of HTTP resiliency strategy (retries, circuit breaker) • basic knowledge of HTTP protocol
skills learned
define a REST client using Quarkus • implement the common resiliency techniques (timeout, retries,fallback and circuit breaker) with Quarkus • mock a REST client to implement unit tests • simulate an HTTP service using WireMock to implement integration tests
Daniel Petisme
1 week · 6-8 hours per week · INTERMEDIATE

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The success of Chill+ is soaring, but so are its infrastructure costs. As a software engineer for this nextgen video streaming platform, it’s up to you to devise a cost-mitigating plan. Your solution is to reduce resource consumption by implementing crucial interservice communication and fault tolerance. You’ll use a REST client to integrate with another HTTP service, mock external calls with Mockito, and run tests against a mock HTTP server using a fixture. You’ll use the Quarkus Fault Tolerance extension to incorporate resiliency patterns, and you’ll implement error handling by adding retries, timeouts, circuit breakers, and fallbacks to the Catalog API. When you’re done, Chill+’s catalog service will return more accurate results to its customers with fewer requests, and have increased—and less costly—fault resilience.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Daniel Petisme

Daniel Petisme has an engineering degree in IT, and he’s been mixing technical expertise and innovation at Michelin for the past ten years. He joined Confluent in March 2021 as a customer success architect providing support and guidance about Kafka-related technologies. He’s a strong believer in open source, and he channels his passion for learning and sharing knowledge by teaching several software-related courses to IT engineers, and co-organizing local technical events. He’s a part of the JHipster and Vert.x core team and actively contributes to Kafka and Quarkus.


This liveProject is for software engineers with basic experience with cloud-native patterns and building Java applications. To begin these liveProjects you’ll need to be familiar with the following:

  • Basic understanding of using Maven to build a Java-based application
  • Basic understanding of HTTP protocol
  • Develop Java tests using frameworks like JUnit, Mockito, and test containers
  • Develop small API-oriented applications using Java frameworks (Spring, Micronaut, Jakarta EE, Vert.x)
  • Develop Java tests using frameworks like JUnit, Mockito, and test containers
  • Implement cloud-native patterns (timeouts, retries, fallbacks, and circuit breakers)


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