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React Router basics • React Query basics • React component props • JavaScript click and focus events
skills learned
state-controlled input field • React Router search params • array of React components from array of server data
Bonnie Schulkin
1 week · 2-4 hours per week · INTERMEDIATE

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Welcome to your second week at SongRiver, a music-streaming startup whose success is skyrocketing. You’ve been working on a directory app to help keep track of the company’s growing number of employees, and your task for this week is to add search functionality to employee pages in the directory. Using Chakra UI, you'll create the user interface for the search input box. Then you'll fetch the results from the server via React Query and display the data. You’ll end the project on a high note by using React Router tools to create links that enable navigation between individual employee pages and the search interface.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Bonnie Schulkin

Bonnie Schulkin is the author of many popular Udemy courses on React topics. Her experience includes various roles at software companies large and small, and she’s been writing code professionally since the 1990s. She’s proud to mentor students at the Hackbright Academy coding boot camp and serves on the board of the Africa Code Academy.


This liveProject is for web developers with basic React experience who want to build more sophisticated sites using React Router and React Query. To begin these liveProjects you’ll need to be familiar with the following:

  • Intermediate JavaScript
  • Intermediate HTML
  • Intermediate CSS
  • Basic React
  • Intermediate React Hooks
  • Basic data fetching
  • Intermediate routing
  • Web UI Design


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