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In this series of liveProjects, you’ll utilize premade machine learning components to help build an image classification AI solution. This automated approach to machine learning—called AutoML—utilizes toolkits and libraries to help streamline and automatically process different parts of the machine learning pipeline. In this series, you’ll utilize the AutoKeras toolkit from the popular Keras deep learning library. Each project in this series covers a different stage of the process of creating an image classifier, from the basics of deep learning through to customizing AutoKeras.
In this liveProject, you’ll learn and apply some of the basics of deep learning in order to build the foundations of an AutoML image classifier. You’ll discover the basic deep learning models for image classification, and then experiment with tuning the hyperparameters of a convolutional neural network to improve your results.
In this liveProject, you’ll learn how to use the Task and Functional API of Keras to build an automated deep learning model for image classification. This AutoML approach will allow you to avoid time spent selecting and tuning your deep learning algorithms. You’ll work with the detailed CIFAR dataset of animal images which is easy to access through the TensorFlow Keras API.
In this liveProject, you’ll utilize automated machine learning tools to help the data preprocessing and feature engineering for creating an image classification model. You’ll start with the basics of data preprocessing, and then see how useful AutoML solutions can make this process quicker and easier. The rewards are big, as properly preprocessed data can dramatically improve the outcomes of a deep learning project.
In this liveProject, you’ll implement an AutoML pipeline using the AutoKeras functional API. You’ll make use of the built-in blocks in AutoKeras to conduct automated hyperparameter tuning and model selection for creating an image classification model. Your challenges will include customizing both a sequential AutoML pipeline, and customizing graph-structured AutoML Pipeline.
This liveProject is for Python programmers who know the basics of deep learning. To begin this liveProject, you will need to be familiar with the following: