Four-Project Series

Converting Legacy Applications to Cloud Native in Kubernetes you own this product

intermediate Java • basics of Docker, Spring, and web development
skills learned
refactor a legacy app for the cloud • create REST API with Spring Boot • containerize a Spring Boot application • deploy microservices on Kubernetes
John Guthrie
4 weeks · 7-9 hours per week average · INTERMEDIATE

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In this series of liveProjects, you’ve joined up with a fantasy football company whose intranet is at least 15 years out of date. Your boss wants to update to a modern, microservices-based architecture that runs in the cloud using Kubernetes. The IT team has kicked off this project with a new UX design for your web applications—but there’s a catch. Those old web apps have business processes built into them that can’t be rewritten from scratch. Instead, you’ve decided to transform these legacy applications into RESTful web services. Your challenges in this liveProject will include reviewing and modernizing the legacy app with Spring Boot and RESTful APIs, Dockerizing the app to run in a container environment, and then deploying it onto Kubernetes. Each liveProject is a self-contained learning experience, so you can pick and choose the skills most relevant to you.

These projects are designed for learning purposes and are not complete, production-ready applications or solutions.

here's what's included

Project 1 Spring MVC App to Spring Boot
In this liveProject, you’ll rebuild an outdated candidate report-generating application to use the latest standard of Spring Boot. This new application will take advantage of Spring Boot’s amazing features such as bundled dependencies, reduction of boilerplate code, and integration with other modern frameworks. It can also benefit from running with an embedded server, meaning your boss can finally decommission old application servers.
Project 2 Convert an App to RESTful API
In this liveProject, you’ll prepare an old monolithic application for migration to microservices by converting it to be a REST-based service. You’ll break up an established monolith by using bounded contexts to give your microservices responsibility over a smaller part of the business domain. You’ll convert these microservices to use RESTful APIs, allowing for the existing business logic to remain intact, and leaving behind a static Thymeleaf-based user interface allows another team to write a modern front end.
Project 3 Containerize with Docker
In this liveProject, you’ll use Docker to containerize a Spring Boot application and a PostgreSQL database. Containers make your application much easier to scale, and are a key step towards cloud deployment. You’ll use Docker Compose to see how your containerized applications and services interact, and build Dockerfile-based containers with kaniko.
Project 4 Deploy in Kubernetes
In this liveProject, you’ll run a containerized Spring Boot application and a PostgreSQL database in Kubernetes. Kubernetes manages the entire lifecycle of containers, making them easy to scale. It’s the best-of-breed cloud container orchestration framework, with an active open-source community of contributors.

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project author

John Guthrie
John Guthrie is an engineer at VMware, where he works in the Modern Applications Platform group, helping customers migrate their applications and infrastructure to cloud-native. He has a decades-long career working with enterprise systems and data as an administrator, developer, architect, and technical manager. His current career focuses on enabling customers, through pair-programming and other XP practices, to modernize their software and culture.


This liveProject is for intermediate Java developers, who are familiar with the basics of enterprise web development. To begin this liveProject, you will need to be familiar with the following:

  • Intermediate Java
  • Basic Spring
  • Web servlet engine or application server
  • Basic Docker
  • Basics of web development
  • Basics of web application testing


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