Three-Project Series

Learn Julia in Three Small Projects you own this product

basic mathematics and statistics (mathematical operations, logical reasoning) • basics of programming (data structures, arrays, dictionaries, loops, functions)
skills learned
Julia’s REPL • VSCode • arrays • sets • dictionaries • functions • multiple dispatch • structures • statistics • PlotlyJS
Joris Limonier
3 weeks · 4-6 hours per week average · BEGINNER

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In this series of liveProjects, you’ll get familiar with the highly intuitive—and popular—programming language Julia. First, you’ll use basic Julia tools, as well as some more advanced ones, to build a simple stock tracker for a shop. Next, you’ll join the fight against a fictional global pandemic by plotting and modeling the effectiveness of several measures. Lastly, you’ll help find a cure for a (fictional) global pandemic using Longest Common Subsequences (LCS), which measures the similarity between two sequences of characters. With these liveProjects, you’ll go from beginner-level to solving everyday, real-world problems using Julia.

These projects are designed for learning purposes and are not complete, production-ready applications or solutions.

Manning author Joris Limonier shares what he likes about the Manning liveProject platform.

here's what's included

Project 1 Simple Shop Stock Tracker

Imagine that you’re a programmer hired by a shop to build a basic digital infrastructure. In this liveProject, you’ll use Julia to create a simple stock tracker that implements the four steps of the shopping process. You’ll start by building a structure for your shop, then you’ll write a function to manage inventory delivery as well as one to keep track of items sold. You’ll wrap up by creating a function to handle cash transactions. When you’re done, you’ll have hands-on experience using basic Julia tools including functions, arrays, and dictionaries, as well as more advanced tools such as multiple dispatch and composite types.

Project 2 Understanding a Pandemic

In this liveProject, your task is to help fight a (fictional) global pandemic. You’ll gain hands-on experience plotting in Julia as you estimate new cases per day. You'll understand the affect of several measures through plot-analysis and basic time-series forecasting. Finally, you'll deduce what the best measures are, determine and predict their effects, and report your findings to decision-makers.

Project 3 Cracking the Code

In this liveProject, you’ll help find a cure for a (fictional) global pandemic by identifying the origin of the virus. Biologists have already narrowed the list of suspects down to three animal species. Longest Common Subsequences (LCS) can help you measure the similarity between two sequences. You'll use them to compare the animal sequences with the virus’ sequence. You'll get a sense of what percentage of the sequences should be common versus what is actually common between the sequences studied, then you'll be able to identify the virus’ origin based on your findings.

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When you start each of the projects in this series, you'll get full access to the following book for 90 days.

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project author

Joris Limonier
Joris Limonier has worked at the Unit of Research in Computer Science at the University of Luxembourg and has a strong background in Julia, Python for data science, LaTeX, and Swift. He’s earned degrees in mathematics, data science, and artificial intelligence. To share his passion for Julia, he creates Julia content including YouTube videos and open-source projects on GitHub.


This liveProject series is for programmers ranging from beginner to advanced who want to learn about Julia, how to use it, and why it’s so popular. To begin these liveProjects you'll need to be familiar with the following:

  • Basic mathematics and statistics (mathematical operations, logical reasoning)
  • Basics of programming (data structures, arrays, dictionaries, loops, functions)
  • A text editor (e.g. VSCode) or a notebook (e.g. Jupyter Notebook)


You choose the schedule and decide how much time to invest as you build your project.
Project roadmap
Each project is divided into several achievable steps.
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For each step, compare your deliverable to the solutions by the author and other participants.
book resources
Get full access to select books for 90 days. Permanent access to excerpts from Manning products are also included, as well as references to other resources.