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A portfolio page is vital for any professional frontend web developer. In this series of liveProjects, you’ll utilize some of the modern features of CSS to create a stunning portfolio page of your very own. You’ll show off to your prospective clients with both a light and a dark theme that utilizes custom properties; use new ways to select elements when you style your contact form; deliver responsive designs that use grid, subgrid, columns, and flexbox to lay out content; and explore scroll-snap and timeline animations to alter the scroll behavior of your page.
This is a real series. It goes over a lot of concepts, some classic and well known, which are good refreshers and helpful for beginners and early intermediate, but also some newer more advanced subjects which makes it worthwhile for advanced users.
Any web developer worth their salt needs an eye-catching portfolio site—and so your boss at Consultants Inc. has told you you need to make one! In this liveProject, you’ll experiment with delivering both light and dark themes for your site using CSS, custom properties, and a locally hosted variable font. Remember, web design is about self-expression—so don’t be afraid to play around with your code to help it fit you and your personality.
Contact forms are one of the most important parts of almost any site—especially your web design portfolio. If your potential clients aren’t impressed with a contact form, why would they ever use it to get in touch with you? In this liveProject, you’ll use CSS to create a stunning contact form. You’ll put your own spin on text, error messages, radio buttons, button styles, and more.
In the modern world, web traffic is mobile traffic. That’s why your sites need to be responsive and easily adaptable to any screen size! In this liveProject, you’ll create a responsive layout for your portfolio site so it looks good on mobile. You’ll need to constrain your profile picture, utilize column-based layouts, use grid and flex to align items, and utilize flexbox to lay out your footer.
I came across no other course, book or source that really helped me to layout and style a complete web page in the way as in this liveProject.
This live project is an excellent way to make use of CSS3 you have already learned and to fill in the gaps in CSS3 for things you have not learned yet.