C# Concurrency you own this product

Asynchronous and multithreaded programming
Nir Dobovizki
  • January 2025
  • ISBN 9781633438651
  • 248 pages
  • printed in black & white

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Supercharge your applications with the ultimate guide to asynchronous and multithreaded programming in C#!

C# Concurrency teaches you how to write effective multithreaded and asynchronous software in C#. Practical techniques, real-world examples, and useful code samples cut through the confusion around async/await and help you write rapid, reliable, and bug-free code.

In C# Concurrency: Asynchronous and Multithreaded Programming you’ll learn how to:

  • Take full advantage of async/await
  • Write bug-free multithreaded code every time
  • Create multithreaded code that delivers real performance improvements
  • Grok C# and .NET multithreading and asynchronous primitives
  • Know when to use concurrency techniques—and when not to use them!

In C# Concurrency Nir Dobovizki, a seasoned C# veteran with over 30 years of high-performance programming experience, shares his deep knowledge and expert techniques. Say goodbye to frustrating pitfalls and impossible-to-find bugs that slow down your applications. Nir's careful approach will teach you how to navigate these challenges with ease, allowing you to achieve lightning-fast performance like never before!

about the technology

Asynchronous and multithreaded programs can perform multiple tasks simultaneously without losing speed or reliability. But getting concurrency right can challenge even experienced developers. This practical book teaches you to deliver concurrent C# apps that are lighting fast and free of the deadlocks and other synchronization issues that undermine performance and take forever to find.

about the book

C# Concurrency equips programmers with a comprehensive understanding of multithreading and asynchronous programming, focusing on the practical use of the C# async-await feature to simplify asynchronous tasks. It teaches how to avoid common pitfalls, addresses classic multithreading issues like deadlocks and race conditions, and advanced topics such as controlling thread of execution and using thread-safe collections.

what's inside

  • .NET multithreading and asynchronous primitives
  • When to use concurrency techniques—and when not to!
  • Confidently use async/await

about the reader

For experienced C# programmers. No knowledge of asynchro- nous programming required.

about the author

Nir Dobovizki is a senior software architect and consultant who has worked on concurrent and asynchronous systems since the late 90s.

Gives you knowledge you can use immediately, without wading into unnecessary complexity. Invaluable.

Oren Eini, RavenDB

A clear discussion of how to use C# features to harness the power of multi-core CPUs.

Robert Robey, AMD

A great starting point for concurrency, threading and asynchronicity.

Jiří Činčura, Microsoft

Gives you the confidence to tame concurrency and asynchronous programming.

Milorad Imbra, FEVO

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