Exploring Cloud Computing

With chapters selected by Michael Wittig and Andreas Wittig
  • February 2017
  • ISBN 9781617294877
  • 121 pages

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Cloud Computing is enabling many trends in IT today: microservices, pay-as-you-go pricing, and serverless architectures, to name three. The biggest player in the market's Amazon, who offers the most mature cloud systems through their Amazon Web Services (AWS). Other companies are gaining traction as well: Google invests into their Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft entered the game with Azure.

Exploring Cloud Computing is a collection of hand-picked chapters introduction to the two most popular cloud providers, Amazon and Google, and insights to help you get started. Michael and Andreas Wittig, authors of Amazon Web Services in Action, selected hands-on topics to show you where to begin with cloud computing. You'll get an overview of what cloud services have to offer. Then you'll discover Google Cloud Platform. Other chapters explore AWS, serverless computing, and AWS Lambda that lets you run code in the cloud without managing the underlying operating systems and execution platforms. You upload your code and it's executed in the cloud and pay only for the time the function executes. Plus, you'll get a sample of some other Manning books you may want to add to your library.

about the author

Andreas Wittig and Michael Wittig are software engineers and consultants focused on AWS and web development.

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