Exploring Great Software Design you own this product

With chapters selected by Marco Faella
  • October 2020
  • ISBN 9781617298783
  • 103 pages

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What sets great software apart are qualities like speed, security, maintainability, and elegance. Great software is born at the intersection of well-honed programming skills and time-tested, universally accepted techniques and practices. This free mini ebook will lead you there!

about the book

Exploring Great Software Design is a collection of chapters from three Manning books chosen by author, teacher, and expert programmer Marco Faella. First, you'll zoom in on the importance of code readability for easy maintenance and troubleshooting. Next, you'll discover three different styles of unit testing and how to choose the one that will benefit your application the most. Last but not least, you'll learn why, if you want to write truly great software, you need to bake security into your software design from the very beginning. This free—but value-packed!—primer will set you firmly on the path to great software design.

what's inside

  • "Coding aloud: Readability" – Chapter 7 from Seriously Good Software by Marco Faella
  • "Styles of unit testing" – Chapter 6 from Unit Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns by Vladimir Khorikov
  • "Why design matters for security" – Chapter 1 from Secure by Design by Dan Bergh Johnsson, Daniel Deogun, and Daniel Sawano

about the author

Marco Faella teaches advanced programming at a major Italian university. His published work includes peer-reviewed research articles, a Java certification manual, and a video course. He's also the author of Manning's Seriously Good Software.

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