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Enter course descriptionChill+, the nextgen streaming platform you work for, is scaling out its Kubernetes cluster to meet the demands of its increasing popularity. As a software engineer, your job is to devise a plan for managing the company’s infrastructure costs which are rising as fast as its success. Your solution is to reduce resource consumption by implementing crucial interservice communication. To make this communication asynchronous, which provides the benefit of decoupled request/response temporality while improving communication performance, you’ll use a Kafka producer to integrate with another service, and you’ll use Quarkus SmallRye Reactive Messaging Kafka Connector to produce and consume data. When you’re done, Chill+’s catalog service will provide quicker, more accurate recommendations to its customers while decreasing Chill+’s infrastructure costs.
This liveProject is for software engineers with basic experience with cloud-native patterns and building Java applications. To begin these liveProjects you’ll need to be familiar with the following: