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OCP Java SE 7 Programmer II Certification Guide is a concise, focused study guide that prepares you to pass the OCP Java SE 7 Programmer II exam (1Z0-804) the first time you take it. The book systematically guides you through each exam objective, teaching and reinforcing the Java skills you need through examples, exercises, and cleverly constructed visual aids. In every chapter, you'll find questions just like the ones you'll face in the real exam. Exam tips, diagrams, and review notes structure the learning process for easy retention.
The OCP Java 7 certification tells potential employers that you've mastered the language skills you need to design and build professional-quality Java software. Passing the OCP isn't just about knowing your Java, though. You have to also know what to expect on the exam and how to beat the built-in tricks and traps.
OCP Java SE 7 Programmer II Certification Guide is a comprehensive, focused study guide that prepares you to pass the OCP exam the first time you take it. It systematically guides you through each exam objective, reinforcing the Java skills you need through examples, exercises, and cleverly constructed visual aids. In every chapter you’ll find questions just like the ones you’ll face on the real exam. Tips, diagrams, and review notes give structure to the learning process to improve your retention.
Mala Gupta is a trainer of programmers who plan to pass Java certification exams. She holds the OCP Java SE 7 Programmer, SCWCD, and SCJP certifications and is the author of OCA Java SE 7 Programmer I Certification Guide (Manning 2013).
A good read for all who want to deepen their Java knowledge, even if not preparing for the exam.
Makes the certification objectives clear and easy to understand.
An excellent resource for the OCP certification exam.
With a conversational style of writing, detailed code examples, and self-test questions, this book will successfully lead you to your OCP certification.