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The Well-Grounded Java Developer starts with thorough coverage of Java 7 features like try-with-resources and NIO.2. You'll then explore a cross-section of emerging JVM-based languages, including Groovy, Scala, and Clojure. You will find clear examples that are practical and that help you dig into dozens of valuable development techniques showcasing modern approaches to the dev process, concurrency, performance, and much more.
The Well-Grounded Java Developer offers a fresh and practical look at new Java 7 features, new JVM languages, and the array of supporting technologies you need for the next generation of Java-based software.
Written for readers familiar with Java. No experience with Java 7 or new JVM languages required.
How to become a well-grounded Java developer—and how to stay that way.
At the cutting edge of Java development...learn to speak Java 7 and next-gen languages.
Buy this book for what's new in Java 7. Keep it open for lessons in expert Java.
A great collection of knowledge on the JVM platform.