Women-in-Tech Anthology

With chapters by Anne Michels, Lizzie Siegle, Naomi Ceder, Jamie Riedesel, Cornelia Davis, Sarah Kaiser, Dzejla Medjedovic
  • March 2021
  • ISBN 9781617299292
  • 102 pages

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Look inside
The Women-in-Tech Anthology contains four candid and insightful essays from women working across the tech industry. Filled with spirited anecdotes, hard-won lessons, and sage advice, each essay is a must-read for anyone looking to survive, thrive, and support their colleagues in tech. Alongside these unique essays, the anthology contains Manning book chapters written by accomplished women working at the top of their fields.

about the book

The Women-in-Tech Anthology begins with four essays from Anne Michels, Lizzie Siegle, Naomi Cedar and Jamie Riedesel. Each shares their thoughts and personal experiences on working in tech, from open source to enterprise, Microsoft to the Python Software Foundation.

In Part 2, the anthology spotlights the work of just a few of the accomplished women who have worked with Manning as authors. Highlighting the Python programming language, cloud-native patterns, quantum computing, software telemetry, and algorithms and data structures for big data applications, this free digital anthology is a great place to start to explore the diversity of Manning’s content.

what's inside

PART 1 – Personal Essays
  • “Balancing Family & Career in the Tech Industry – Can you have it all?” by Anne Michels
  • “Staying True to Yourself as a Woman in Tech” by Lizzie Siegle
  • “A letter to my past self...” by Naomi Ceder
  • “Hello, younger me,” by Jamie Riedesel
PART 2 – Anthology of Chapters by Women in Technology
  • “About Python” – Chapter 1 from The Quick Python Book, Third Edition by Naomi Ceder
  • “You keep using that word: Defining “cloud-native”” – Chapter 1 from Cloud Native Patterns by Cornelia Davis
  • “Introducing Quantum Computing” – Chapter 1 from Learn Quantum Computing with Python and Q# by Sarah Kaiser and Christopher E. Granade
  • “Introduction” – Chapter 1 from Algorithms and Data Structures for Massive Datasets by Dzejla Medjedovic, Ph.D
  • “Introduction” – Chapter 1 from Software Telemetry by Jamie Riedesel

about the author

Anne Michels is a Senior Product Marketing Leader at Microsoft and has been developing and executing effective marketing strategies at-scale for Fortune 500 brands for over a decade. An award-winning, impassioned, and engaging speaker, she masterfully translates product features to customer value. She has an exceptional track record for attracting, retaining, and developing employees, with a focus on inclusion and diversity.

Lizzie Siegle is a software engineer, machine learning enthusiast, developer evangelist at Twilio, and Twitch affiliate. She’s been featured on chapter1.io, Seventeen Magazine, JS Jabber, Technical.ly Philly, and the Women of Silicon Valley. She co-directed Spectra, the largest women’s hackathon, and has served as ambassador for she++, an organization that strives to empower underrepresented groups in technology. She frequently gives talks on topics related to machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Naomi Ceder is a Pythonista, web development expert, and chair of the Python Software Foundation’s board of directors. She advocates for open software and content, and is a proponent of teaching programming, especially Python, to middle and high school students. An accomplished speaker, she captivates audiences around the world with her talks about the Python community as well as inclusion and diversity in technology.

Cornelia Davis is Chief Technology Officer at WeaveWorks. A teacher at heart, she’s spent the last 25 years making good software and great software developers. Of her work with Girls Who Code and GapJumpers, both organizations that are helping to close the gender gap in the field of technology, she says, “I am passionate about one simple thing: I just want everyone–women, men, non-binary, people of color, caucasians, everyone–to have a chance to have as much fun as I do!

Sarah Kaiser completed her PhD in physics (quantum information) at the University of Waterloo’s Institute for Quantum Computing, where her work and actions earned her their Equity & Inclusivity Award. She’s spent much of her career developing new quantum hardware in the lab, from satellites to hacking quantum cryptography hardware. She loves finding new demos and tools that help the quantum community grow.

Dzejla Medjedovic is Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the International University of Sarajevo. She earned her PhD in the Applied Algorithms Lab of the computer science department at Stony Brook University, NY. She’s worked on numerous projects in algorithms for massive data, taught algorithms at various levels, and also spent some time at Microsoft.

Jamie Riedesel is a Staff Engineer at Dropbox with over twenty years of experience in IT, working in government, education, legacy companies, and startups. She’s a member of the League of Professional System Administrators (LOPSA), a nonprofit global corporation for advancing the practice of system administration. She is also an elected moderator for ServerFault, a Q&A site focused on professional systems administration and desktop support professionals.

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