Advanced State Management you own this product

C# (types, generics, namespaces and loops) • .NET ecosystem • .NET SDKs (NET 6.0 and ASP.NET Core) • basic HTML • basic CSS selectors and values • basic Git/GitHub commands and techniques
skills learned
component communication through Parameters • SSOT server/client state management • use generic type template components • CRUD operations • state change events
Ed Charbeneau
1 week · 6-8 hours per week · INTERMEDIATE

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You’re a developer for BellyBox, an online grocery delivery company. Your task is to add a shopping cart and checkout process to its storefront Blazor web application. Using state management techniques in Blazor, you’ll develop patterns to manage data communication between components and pages. Using HttpClient, you’ll implement CRUD (create, read, and update) operations to enable communication with the backend server. When you’re finished, you’ll have provided a functional and pain-free checkout process that’s sure to have BellyBox’s tech-savvy customers checking in again.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Ed Charbeneau

Ed Charbeneau is a six-time Microsoft MVP and an international speaker, writer, online influencer, a Principal Developer Advocate for Progress Software, and an expert on all things web development.

Ed has shared his insights, experiences, and advice around collaboration, knowledge management, social computing, and training at many industry events around the world. He’s a creative community builder and outside-the-box thinker. He has relationships throughout the world within the areas of internal communications, employee engagement, and marketing as well as IT, with a focus on financial, healthcare, manufacturing, agency, and professional services. He’s defined, architected, and implemented line-of-business solutions with UX best practices and a touch of style that’s all his own.


This liveProject is for .NET developers with C# experience who are looking to modernize their skills with Blazor. To begin these liveProjects you’ll need to be familiar with the following:

  • LINQ
  • Visual Studio (preferred, though Visual Studio Code and the dotnet CLI (Command Line Interface) may be used as an alternative)
  • .NET ecosystem
  • .NET SDKs (NET 6.0 and ASP.NET Core)
  • Basic HTML
  • Basic CSS selectors and values
  • Basic Git/GitHub commands and techniques


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