Authenticate and Authorize you own this product

basic C# • basic debugging techniques • basic HTTP
skills learned
interpret an OpenAPI specification • set up and configure authentication and authorization • how to gain insight into using different mechanisms to implement authorization • dissect a JWT
Ruben Vandeginste
1 week · 6-8 hours per week · BEGINNER

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Boutique, a software development company, is working on a project that will automate a client’s inspection process. As a software engineer for Boutique, your task is to implement authentication and authorization in the existing ASP.NET Core HTTP API for the project according to the client’s requirements. You’ll register your application to use Google as an identity provider, configure Swashbuckle to support authentication through Google, and activate the authentication and authorization middleware of ASP.NET Core. To take advantage of ASP.NET Core’s authorization features, you’ll add additional claims to the authenticated identity per the client’s specs, and you’ll implement role- and policy-based authorization as needed. When you’re done, employees will be able to use all of the API’s functionality, and customers will have read access to their own data.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Ruben Vandeginste

Ruben Vandeginste received his PhD in computer science from KU Leuven, Belgium, in 2007. Soon afterward, he began working for PeopleWare, where he’s currently a software architect and technical lead. He designs and helps implement administrative applications, with a focus on backend services built with Microsoft’s .NET stack, and he’s well-versed in implementing HTTP APIs with Web API and ASP.NET Core.


This liveProject is for C# developers who want to learn how to implement authentication and authorization in an ASP.NET Core HTTP API. To begin this liveProject, you’ll need to be familiar with the following:

  • Basic C#
  • Basic HTTP
  • Basic YAML and JSON
  • Basic debugging techniques


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