Classify Customer Feedback with Knative Services on Kubernetes you own this product

intermediate JavaScript • intermediate Kubernetes • basic Docker
skills learned
creating a Kubernetes cluster • using serverless with Kubernetes • using machine learning to classify user feedback
Jonathan Campos
5 weeks · 5-7 hours per week · INTERMEDIATE

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Successful businesses need to respond to unhappy customers fast. In this liveProject, you’ll design a new way of handling customer feedback for a Kubernetes management company. Your company gets thousands of feedback queries every minute, and it needs a way to make sure the most important ones are quickly escalated.

You’ve decided to implement a workflow that receives customer feedback via HTTP POST service calls, then funnels it through a prebuilt machine learning algorithm to identify priority messages. In order to avoid the need for future refactoring, you’ll use events to communicate between services rather than direct invocation. You’ll use Kubernetes and Knative serverless capabilities and eventing system to control the flow of data through the system and break down services into lean, serverless functions. This will ensure your service is more maintainable and cheaper to run.
This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Jonathan Campos
Jonathan Campos is an innovative programmer who keeps watch on what's next in emerging technologies. With over 15 years of development expertise and 10 years of consulting, he provides solutions to multinationals and startups alike. He currently serves as CTO at Alto Experience, a rideshare provider. He started as a developer for web and mobile technologies, expanding over the years to focus on the Google Cloud Platform, cloud application development best practices, and Machine Learning techniques. He spends much of his time giving back to the community by co-organizing Dallas's Google Cloud Platform user group and serving on the Tech Titans board in Dallas.


This liveProject is for experienced Kubernetes engineers looking for the flexibility of a serverless architecture. To begin this liveProject you will need to be familiar with:

  • Intermediate JavaScript
  • Intermediate Kubernetes
  • Basics of Docker
  • Basics of terminal/command lines
  • Basic services


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