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basic Java • relational database modeling • basic XML • basic YAML • basic Maven and Gradle dependency management
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Implement Spring Data JPA CRUD Repositories, Define the database DDL with Liquibase and SQL, Implement ORM (Object Relational Mapping) with Entity Classes, Implement JUnit Test cases with Spring Test and TestContainers
Potito Coluccelli
1 week · 4-6 hours per week · BEGINNER
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BestInsurance, an insurance company, has an online portal with a newly built application for providing features it hopes will attract new customers. As a backend developer, it’s your job to create the persistence layer for the application. You’ll define the database tables and configure a Liquibase changelog to automatically create the tables using SQL. This will allow you to track and manage database versions in order to avoid data loss in production when you change the model. To persist your data, you’ll map Java classes to the database tables using Spring JPA, then implement the basic create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations through the JPA repositories for the persistent entities. To verify your mapping is correct, you’ll implement unit testing with JUnit 5 tests, TestContainers, and a PostgreSQL database.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Potito Coluccelli

Potito Coluccelli is a senior software engineer and team leader at Econocom in Italy, where he works on service-oriented architecture design and implementation as well as supporting customers as they transition from monolithic to microservice architectures. Previously he worked as a middleware consultant at Red Hat and supported companies in Italy and the EU with JEE application design, development, maintenance, and testing. With his team, he created a trade surveillance tool for Commodity Markets that’s been adopted by major energy providers in Italy.


This liveProject is for Java beginners interested in learning how to create a persistence layer for a basic Spring Boot application. To begin these liveProjects you’ll need to be familiar with the following:

  • Basic Java
  • Basic SQL
  • Basic XML
  • Basic YAML
  • Basic Maven
  • Basic Gradle
  • Basic Docker and Docker Compose
  • Your favorite IDE
  • Spring Boot 3.1.x stable version
  • Basic use of the command line (or equivalent best tools for the operating system you’re using)
  • Basic knowledge of SQL and table creation
  • Basic Java classes development


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