Create an AKS Cluster with Terraform you own this product

intermediate Terraform • basic Microsoft Azure • basic Networking • basic Kubernetes • basic Go
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model Terraform following Infrastructure as Code and security best practices • test your infrastructure code with Terratest and Go
Ned Bellavance
1 week · 8-10 hours per week · INTERMEDIATE

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Mission: Proof of Concept. E-CO, an e-commerce organization that sells products for outdoor enthusiasts, wants to migrate its containerized, on-premises applications to the public cloud. Instead of managing its own Kubernetes clusters built on Azure VMs, E-CO has chosen to use Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and to host its containerized applications on Microsoft Azure. As a member of E-CO’s platform team, you’ll spearhead this critical project, starting with ensuring that E-CO’s applications can stand up to an AKS cluster. You’ll use Terraform to develop the necessary code for deploying an AKS cluster, and you’ll write Terratest functions in Go to validate that the deployment functions as expected. When you’re done, you’ll have a tested, deployed, and validated AKS cluster that will stand the test of time.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Ned Bellavance

In his 20+ years as an IT professional, Ned Bellavance has gained extensive experience with Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. A Microsoft MVP since 2017 and a HashiCorp Ambassador since 2020, he’s the founder of Ned in the Cloud, LLC. As a one-man tech juggernaut, he develops courses for the online education platform Pluralsight, runs the Day Two Cloud podcast, and delivers educational content through his YouTube channel and live instruction.

Ned has written several books including HashiCorp Terraform Certified Associate Preparation Guide, HashiCorp Vault Certified Associate Preparation Guide, and Introducing Azure Kubernetes Service. His three guiding principles are: embrace discomfort, fail often, and be kind. You can find out more about Ned and his activities by visiting


This liveProject is for IT Operations Professionals and DevOps engineers who would like to deploy and manage infrastructure with Terraform. To begin these liveProjects you’ll need to be familiar with the following:

  • Terraform v1.0+
  • Go v1.17+
  • Terratest v0.38+
  • Azure CLI v2.22+
  • An IDE with Terraform and Go plug-ins
  • Microsoft Azure subscription
  • Logical reasoning and design
  • Terraform (intermediate)
  • Microsoft Azure (basic)
  • Networking (basic)
  • Kubernetes (basic)
  • Go (basic)


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