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Acme Widgets, a manufacturing company, processes its supplier invoices with an AI-powered Google Workspace add-on that automatically extracts and records invoice data. But the add-on has limited functionality, such as only being able to interpret single image files, which makes tasks like picking files difficult. It’s up to you to make basic tasks like these easier. You’ll enable the Google Picker API to add the ability to navigate and customize files. You’ll create and publish a file picker as a web app, and publish the add-on with the attached file picker. To further enhance the user interface, you’ll add image thumbnails and links to the picked files, as well as support for interpreting PDFs and images to accommodate a larger variety of documents. When you’re done, you’ll have helped ensure Acme Widgets’ accounts are accurate and made the staff’s lives easier—all while learning Google add-on customization skills.
This liveProject is for beginner-level Apps Script or JavaScript developers interested in learning to customize Google Workspace add-ons to increase functionality and usability. To begin these liveProjects you’ll need to be familiar with the following: