Decoding Data Science Job Postings to Improve Your Resume you own this product

intermediate Python • beginner scikit-learn • basics of pandas
skills learned
process data with pandas DataFrames • K-means clustering • information retrieval with tf-dif • text cluster visualization
Nate George
4 weeks · 4-6 hours per week · INTERMEDIATE

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In this liveProject, you’ll step into the life of a budding data scientist looking for their first job in the industry. There are thousands of potential roles being advertised online, but only a few that are a good match to your skill set. Your challenge is to use data science tools to automate the process of trawling through job listings, to save time as you optimize your resume, identify the most in-demand skills, and find jobs that are a good fit for you. To do this you’ll use Python to perform Natural Language Processing and text analysis on pre-scraped data from jobs posting websites.
This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Nathan George
Nate George started his career studying LEDs for his Ph.D. and working on solar cell manufacturing. He then leveraged his programming and mathematics experience to move to data science. Nate has been teaching and developing several data science and math courses at Regis University since 2017, mentors students at Udacity, and has developed a Python machine learning course at DataCamp. Nate's expertise includes data engineering (database technologies such as MongoDB and PostgreSQL and cloud technologies such as GCP and AWS), data science (Python, R, statistics), and machine learning.


The liveProject is for intermediate Python programmers who know basic data science techniques. To begin this liveProject, you should be familiar with the following topics:

  • Basics of Jupyter Notebook
  • Basics of pandas
  • Basics of scikit-learn
  • Basics of K-means clustering
  • Basics of TF-IDF


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