Fundamentals and Accounting you own this product

Rust basics
skills learned
Rust loops • types • pattern matching
Claus Matzinger
1 week · 6-8 hours per week · BEGINNER

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Future Finance Labs has tasked you, its star developer, to create a prototype for an exchange platform that the fintech scaleup wants to offer to professional traders. You’ll build an interactive command line program that will serve as the core accounting structure for this lightning-fast exchange platform. Using Rust, the company’s chosen programming language, you’ll implement the required data structures for storing accounts as well as the functions for transactions between accounts. To validate the account structure and functions, you’ll design and implement unit tests. When you’re done, you’ll be a master of Rust fundamentals, including its various syntax aspects and operations, and you’ll be ready to advance to more complex Rust data structures and code.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Claus Matzinger

Claus Matzinger is a software engineer with more than a decade of experience in a variety of technologies. In his current role at DEX Labs, Claus is a full-time Rustacean in the crypto world. Previously at Microsoft, Claus helped customers solve their biggest challenges by implementing solutions ranging from machine learning pipelines to cloud native architecture for large-scale data processing. His previous books and blog can be found at X5FF.


This liveProject is for enthusiastic Rust beginners. To begin these liveProjects you’ll need to be familiar with the following:

  • Basic Rust: declaring variables, loops, functions, branches, debugging (println!), modules, types (structs, enums)
  • Basic software engineering (unit testing, modularization, web API basics)
  • Basic finance: phrases and terms (for example, “signer” and “debit”)


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