GitHub Sign-In Application you own this product

advanced Go • programming language basics • packaging basics • HTTP application basics
skills learned
work with Go standard library packages, GitHub OAuth, HTTP cookies in Go, and HTTP cookies in Go
Amit Saha
1 week · 2-4 hours per week · BEGINNER

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Echorand Corp., a growing analytics company, uses the GitHub hosting service for its software hosting and collaboration needs. But the company has received feedback voicing concerns about the service’s lack of backup functionality. As a software engineer, it’s up to you to solve this problem. You’ll use Go to build a web application that allows users to log in using their GitHub credentials and access the GitHub API using OAuth authorization. You’ll create HTTP client middleware for writing and performing tests with no need to interact with, and you’ll write automated tests that enable you to update the application while speeding up the development cycle. When you’re done, you’ll have built an easy-to-update application that allows users to log in with their GitHub credentials.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Amit Saha

Amit Saha is a software engineer at Atlassian in Sydney, Australia. He’s the author of Practical Go: Building Scalable Network and Non-Network Applications (Wiley, 2021), Doing Math with Python: Use Programming to Explore Algebra, Statistics, Calculus, and More! (No Starch Press, 2015), and Write Your First Program (PHI Learning, 2013). His other writings have been published in technical magazines, conference proceedings, and research journals. He can be found online at


This liveProject is for beginner-level Go programmers interested in learning to build a web application that allows users to sign in with their GitHub credentials. To begin these liveProjects you’ll need to be familiar with the following:

  • Key Go standard library packages: net/http, net/http/cookiejar, net/http/httptest, testing
  • Third-party packages: and
  • HTTP cookies (for maintaining state on the client side)
  • Understanding of how HTTP applications work (concepts including request routing, cookie handling, and redirects)
  • Language basics: writing functions, creating structures, conditional statements, standard input and output, and basic understanding of interfaces
  • Packaging basics: what a module is and using sub-packages
  • Go commands: go build and go test


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