Graph Structure in Text Data you own this product

intermediate Python • basic NLP and Graph Theory • Basic Neo4j
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convert text into graphs • explore centrality algorithms for clustering using Neo4j
Sujit Pal
1 week · 6-8 hours per week · ADVANCED

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Imagine you work for a company that publishes scientific articles created by its customers—primarily researchers and scientists in the field of statistics—whose volume of research has grown so large that it’s not possible for your company to read every paper nor for the researchers to stay on top of everything happening in the field. Your task is to use automated means to find some structure in the collection of scientific articles so that the company can more easily home in on the researchers’ interests and help them research more effectively. To do that, you’ll generate document embeddings, use them to impute a document graph, and execute graph algorithms against this graph in order to generate insights from it.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

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Sujit Pal
Sujit Pal is a data scientist at Elsevier Labs, an advanced technology group within Elsevier. His areas of interest are Information Retrieval (IR), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Machine Learning (ML). At Elsevier, he has worked on projects on Image Search and Retrieval, Question Answering, Automated Knowledge Graph Construction, and more. He first became aware of the effectiveness of Graph techniques in NLP about two years ago and has had quite a lot of success with it since. He’s active in various Data Science, ML, and IR communities, and has presented at conferences including PyData, ODSC, Haystack, Graphorum, and Spark Summit. Prior to this liveProject series, he co-authored two books on Deep Learning.


This liveProject is for Natural Language Processing (NLP) practitioners who have an intermediate level of knowledge of the Python programming language (especially in the NLP domain) and who are ready to uplevel their NLP skills by applying graph-based tools to their text corpora. To begin these liveProjects, you’ll need to be familiar with the following:

  • Intermediate Python
  • Basic SpaCy, Neo4j database, and the Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) library
  • Intermediate linear algebra
  • Basic NLP and Graph Theory
  • Intermediate NLP


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