Optimize Mapping you own this product

basic Python • basic Elasticsearch • basic Kibana
skills learned
mapping of different datatype fields in Elasticsearch • evaluating mapped datatype fields using analyzer tools
Jettro Coenradie
1 week · 4-6 hours per week · BEGINNER
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You’re a software engineer for Sneakers to the Max, an e-commerce company that sells sneakers. Its CEO wants to improve the speed and quality of the company’s search engine in hopes of boosting sales. Your task is to optimize the mappings of the Elasticsearch index. You’ll use the Kibana developer console to analyze the current mapping and create a new custom analyzer. To improve search matches—and customer experience—you’ll use the Elasticsearch field mappings to support multiple uses of the same field. You’ll modify the mappings to help customers find the sneakers they’re looking for, even if their search terms are incomplete or contain typos. To further improve CX, you’ll add synonyms to the Elasticsearch configuration to handle searches that use different terms for the same concept.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Jettro Coenradie

Jettro Coenradie has worked in the search domain for more than 15 years, currently as a search relevance engineer and software architect at Luminis. He’s designed and implemented search solutions for some of the biggest e-commerce companies in the Netherlands and is a valued member of the international Search Relevance Tech community. He served as the technical editor for Manning’s Elasticsearch in Action, 1st edition, and has developed his own Elasticsearch curriculum. He’s shared his expertise in numerous blog posts and conference presentations, including at Devcon and JFall.


This liveProject is for intermediate-level Elasticsearch practitioners interested in learning to improve the speed and quality of search engine results. To begin these liveProjects you’ll need to be familiar with the following:

  • Basic Python knowledge
  • Basic Elasticsearch knowledge
  • Basic Kibana knowledge


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