Radial Visualization you own this product

Intermediate D3.js • basics of JavaScript, HTML and CSS
skills learned
create arcs using D3’s arc generator • position basic SVG shapes on a radial layout using trigonometry • append external images inside a visualization • chain transitions to animate SVG elements within the visualization
Anne-Marie Dufour
1 week · 10-12 hours per week · BEGINNER

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In this liveProject, you’ll make use of the D3.js library to create a radial visualization of the cohorts of NASA astronauts. Radial visualizations are very popular with users as they evoke calmness and gracefulness, and the eye is naturally drawn to round shapes. This complex project will really test your D3.js skills as you create a visualization that can expertly display diverse information about each astronaut, like the total time spent in space, or background information such as military versus civilian. To complete this stunning visualization, you will need to generate arcs and display labels over a path, use D3 scales to generate a legend, and animate shapes to create a rich interaction flow.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Anne-Marie Dufour
Anne-Marie Dufour has an extended background in mechanical engineering, computational fluid dynamics, and frontend development. This unique skill set has helped her develop a solid understanding of how to use data visualization to apprehend complex phenomena and realities and translate these into modern web applications.


This liveProject is for confident D3.js users who want to push their skills to the master level. To begin this liveProject, you will need to be familiar with:

  • Intermediate D3.js
  • Basics of JavaScript
  • Basics of HTML and CSS
  • Using D3 to interact with the DOM
  • Loading an external dataset
  • Binding data to a selection
  • D3 scales
  • D3 shape generators
  • JS and D3 event listeners
  • D3 transitions


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