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intermediate Java • beginner Spring Boot • intermediate Spring Framework
skills learned
use dependency injection with Autowired Services • use @EnableDiscoveryClient for look up of services from Consul • configure and for consul integration
Vamshi Krishna Kesetty
1 week · 4-6 hours per week · BEGINNER
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In this liveProject, you’ll implement Service Discovery and Registry Modules so that the services of a bank’s notification management platform can dynamically register and be available for other services to discover at runtime. You’ll make use of the Spring Cloud Registry to register your services before you configure healthy endpoints and set up discovery.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Vamshi Krishna Kesetty
Vamshi is a technology and digital evangelist working in IT consulting for the past 11 years. He loves to explore new technologies and always passionate about next gen digital technologies. He started his career as an integration developer using the Oracle Fusion Middleware Stack and progressively moved to a microservices-based tech stack. Currently, He is working as a domain architect for a leading bank in Singapore. He has vast experience building microservices using Spring Boot, AWS, JAX-RS, Rest Easy, etc. He also have mentored members of his organization on the design and development of Spring Boot-based microservices. He always emphasize to clients the pros and cons of leveraging a microservices architecture before making an informed decision.


This liveProject is for intermediate Java programmers who know the basics of Core Java and Spring Boot. To begin this liveProject, you will need to be familiar with the following:

  • Beginner Postman
  • Beginner IntelliJ IDE
  • Intermediate Java
  • Beginner Spring Boot
  • Intermediate Spring Framework
  • Intermediate Maven
  • Beginner Swagger


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