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basic Git commands • basic shell commands • basic understanding of Kubernetes
skills learned
Kubernetes deployment strategies • recreate deployment strategy • ramped deployment strategy • blue/green deployment strategy • canary deployment strategy
Sunil Jacob
1 week · 4-6 hours per week · BEGINNER
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E-commerce company BuildYourHome has a modern, scalable, containerized e-commerce application running on Kubernetes. As a DevOps engineer, your task is to ensure that improvements—including new features, functionality, and deployment strategies—can be made without disrupting the user experience. You’ll walk through four different update approaches; replacement strategy, ramp up strategy, blue/green strategy, and canary strategy. When finished you’ll have a solid grasp on the nuances of all four strategies and understand the use cases for each.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

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Sunil Jacob

Sunil Jacob is a principal architect in the DevOps area at an e-commerce company. He has gained experience with Docker, Kubernetes, and Google Cloud Platform, and implements DevSecOps practices using Policy as Code with Open Policy Agent, giving high importance to security. Well-versed in CI/CD platforms like GitHub Actions and GitLab, Sunil is a certified Professional Cloud Architect and Certified Kubernetes Administrator.


This liveProject is for beginner engineers who want to learn approaches for updating an application without diminishing the user experience. To begin these liveProjects you’ll need to be familiar with the following:

  • Beginner kubectl
  • Beginner minikube
  • Beginner VSCode
  • Beginner Kubernetes YAML
  • Develop Kubernetes Configuration Files in YAML
  • Beginner kubectl commands


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