Yao’s Millionaires' Problem you own this product

intermediate Rust • basic IntelliJ IDEA Rust plugin
skills learned
explore the Paillier additive homomorphic encryption cryptosystem • test and benchmark a cryptographic protocol
Omer Shlomovits
1 week · 5-7 hours per week · BEGINNER

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In this liveProject, you’ll use secure multiparty computation to reveal which of two millionnaires is richer without exposing how much either is worth. Your program will use the two-party computation for the “greater than” operator, and be written using the Rust language. Due to its unique set of features, such as guaranteed memory safety, Rust is well suited for programming cryptography applications.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Omer Shlomovits
Omer Shlomovits (omershlomovits.com) is the co-founder and VP Research of ZenGo (founded 2018), a Tel-Aviv based company building products for consumers in the blockchain space. He runs ZenGo X, a 500+ members research community. He is a member of OpenMined MPC team, applying secure computation to machine learning. He codes mostly in Rust\Go and is passionate about imagining, designing, implementing and attacking complex crypto-systems. His research is aimed to tackle real world, hard problems, using novel cryptography. His focus is on threshold cryptography. In 2019 he co-founded MPC-Alliance, a consortium of 50+ companies collaborating to advance MPC technology. Currently he serve as a board-member and head of the technical committee. He co-founded Zero-Knowledge TLV, a 750+ members applied cryptography community in Israel. This is now part of ZK-Global.


The liveProject is for intermediate Rust developers. To begin this liveProject, you will need to be familiar with the following:

  • Intermediate Rust
  • Basic IntelliJ IDEA Rust plugin
  • Basic algorithms
  • Additive homomorphic encryption


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