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It’s time to migrate! You’re a DevOps engineer for E-CO, an e-commerce organization that sells products to outdoor enthusiasts. E-CO’s line-of-business applications are currently hosted on premises, but E-CO is looking to save on operational costs, increase app availability, and streamline IT operations. Its solution: migrate its applications to Microsoft Azure while leveraging Azure Kubernetes Service.
In this series of liveProjects, you’ll provision Azure AKS infrastructure using Terraform and CI/CD pipelines, secure the AKS deployment by integrating Azure Active Directory, and automate the creation and deployment of Helm charts. Lastly, you’ll deploy the apps to AKS with CI/CD Azure DevOps pipelines. When you’ve completed these projects, you’ll have hands-on experience with widely used cloud-based tools as well as highly marketable new skills.
Mission: Proof of Concept. E-CO, an e-commerce organization that sells products for outdoor enthusiasts, wants to migrate its containerized, on-premises applications to the public cloud. Instead of managing its own Kubernetes clusters built on Azure VMs, E-CO has chosen to use Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and to host its containerized applications on Microsoft Azure. As a member of E-CO’s platform team, you’ll spearhead this critical project, starting with ensuring that E-CO’s applications can stand up to an AKS cluster. You’ll use Terraform to develop the necessary code for deploying an AKS cluster, and you’ll write Terratest functions in Go to validate that the deployment functions as expected. When you’re done, you’ll have a tested, deployed, and validated AKS cluster that will stand the test of time.
You’re the DevOps engineer at E-CO, an e-commerce organization that’s ready to retire its aging data center equipment and migrate its containerized, on-premises line-of-business applications to the cloud. Your task is to create a Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline to manage the lifecycle of E-CO’s infrastructure and software, following a GitOps workflow. You’ll use Microsoft Azure DevOps to create a project to host the workflow, and you’ll create Microsoft Azure Pipelines to define the workflow from Continuous Integration to Delivery to Deployment. After verifying the functionality of the Terraform code, you’ll deploy and check the code in production. When you’re done, you’ll have several pipelines running in Azure DevOps that check the box for E-CO’s desired GitOps workflow.
The security group at EC-O, an e-commerce organization that sells products for outdoor enthusiasts, wants to secure their newly deployed AKS cluster. As EC-O’s DevOps engineer, your job is to configure the AKS cluster with the appropriate level of security and Azure Active Directory integration, enforcing a role-based cluster access policy. You’ll update the Terraform files associated with the AKS cluster, test the deployment process, and update the production cluster. By the end of this project, you’ll have a secure AKS cluster—and the peace of mind that comes with it—thanks to your skillful use of RBAC and Azure Active Directory.
The security group at EC-O, an e-commerce organization that sells products for outdoor enthusiasts, wants to monitor their newly deployed AKS cluster using Microsoft Azure Monitor, Grafana, and Prometheus—all currently being leveraged by various EC-O teams. As EC-O’s DevOps engineer, you’ll connect the AKS cluster with Azure Monitor and configure the proper integrations with Grafana and Prometheus. As part of the process, you’ll also update the Terraform files associated with the AKS cluster, create a new module for Azure Monitor, and verify the results with a test application. When you’re done, you’ll have an AKS cluster that uses Azure Monitor for container instances with Prometheus scraping and Grafana integration, as well as valuable hands-on experience.
The application development teams at EC-O, an e-commerce organization that sells products for outdoor enthusiasts, want to institute a well-defined solution for publishing and deploying their containerized applications (packaged using Helm) to AKS clusters. Their goals are to orchestrate the process of testing and publishing Helm charts to a centralized, private repository and to automate application updates from their Helm charts, from development to staging to production. As E-CO’s DevOps engineer, you’ll use the Azure Container Registry to store the Helm charts and Azure DevOps pipelines to orchestrate the publishing of new versions of a chart and deploy the update to multiple environments. Using Terraform, you’ll set up the AKS cluster, Azure Container Registry, and Azure DevOps pipelines. By the end, you’ll have helped E-CO’s teams achieve their goals—and positioned yourself one step closer to a promotion!
These liveProjects are for IT operations professionals and DevOps engineers who would like to automate the deployment and management of Azure-based infrastructure using Terraform. To begin these liveProjects you’ll need to be familiar with the following: