Four-Project Series

Interactive Visualization with D3.js you own this product

HTML files and the main HTML elements • basic CSS styles • basic Javascript
skills learned
set up a local environment for D3 development • selection of HTML and SVG elements in the DOM • generate a histogram, a curve, and a density plot • listen to mouse events and build a complex tooltip
Anne-Marie Dufour
4 weeks · 7-10 hours per week average · BEGINNER

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The D3.js library gives users the power to develop amazing and versatile visualizations, from simple charts to intricate data interfaces. In this series of liveProjects, you’ll tackle the steep learning curve of D3.js by going hands-on to build your own amazing interactive data visualizations. You’ll work with real-world datasets, quickly mastering the building blocks of D3.js that you can easily transfer between tasks. Each liveProject in this series stands alone, or can be completed as part of a comprehensive learning experience.

These projects are designed for learning purposes and are not complete, production-ready applications or solutions.

Manning author Anne-Marie Dufour shares what she likes about the Manning liveProject Platform.

here's what's included

Project 1 Digital Infographic

In this liveProject, you’ll use the powerful D3.js data visualization library to build an infographic of the top songs of 2020. You’ll be working with data taken from the MRC Data Year-End Report, and develop three charts that each explore some of the core building blocks of D3.js—selections, appending elements to the DOM, scales and data binding. Finally, you’ll extend your newfound skills to developing a bubble chart from scratch, along with axes and a legend.

Project 2 Data Distribution

In this liveProject, you’ll explore and experiment with the D3.js library’s flexibility as you evolve a simple histogram into an intricate and interactive visualization. You’ll build visualizations to illustrate the gender pay gap in sports, expand them to include individual players, and even add special interactive visual effects.

Project 3 Streamgraph

In this liveProject, you’ll use the D3.js visualization library to create a streamgraph visualization of the ethnicity of the Oscars. This visualization will explore the representation of ethnic minorities at the Academy Awards ceremony throughout its history. Once you’ve constructed your basic streamgraph, you’ll append a composite tooltip to the visualization, play around with transitions, and give consideration to making your graph responsive.

Project 4 Radial Visualization

In this liveProject, you’ll make use of the D3.js library to create a radial visualization of the cohorts of NASA astronauts. Radial visualizations are very popular with users as they evoke calmness and gracefulness, and the eye is naturally drawn to round shapes. This complex project will really test your D3.js skills as you create a visualization that can expertly display diverse information about each astronaut, like the total time spent in space, or background information such as military versus civilian. To complete this stunning visualization, you will need to generate arcs and display labels over a path, use D3 scales to generate a legend, and animate shapes to create a rich interaction flow.

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When you start each of the projects in this series, you'll get full access to the following book for 90 days.

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project author

Anne-Marie Dufour
Anne-Marie Dufour has an extended background in mechanical engineering, computational fluid dynamics, and frontend development. This unique skill set has helped her develop a solid understanding of how to use data visualization to apprehend complex phenomena and realities and translate these into modern web applications.


This liveProject is for newcomers to D3.js interested in learning the library, or for users who know the basics and are interested in advancing their skills. To complete all of this series, you will need to be familiar with the following:

  • HTML files and the main HTML elements.
  • Basic CSS styles
  • Basic Javascript
  • Structuring frontend development projects
  • Javascript development (ES6): data structures, arrays and objects manipulation, functions, loops, conditions, etc.


You choose the schedule and decide how much time to invest as you build your project.
Project roadmap
Each project is divided into several achievable steps.
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book resources
Get full access to select books for 90 days. Permanent access to excerpts from Manning products are also included, as well as references to other resources.