Five-Project Series

Using Hugging Face Transformers to Create Chatbots you own this product

intermediate Python • basics of Jupyter Notebook • basics of NLP
skills learned
build chatbots using Hugging Face library • use a transformer to create a classification tool • work with transformers to create NLP tools
Giuliano Bertoti
5 weeks · 6-8 hours per week average · BEGINNER

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In this series of liveProjects, you’ll develop a variety of different chatbots that can naturally perform language tasks. Digital transformations have accelerated, and reliable chatbots are now a great tool for both handling customers and dealing with internal queries. You’ll use the Hugging Face library to implement state-of-the-art natural language processing transformers to create bots that can answer questions, classify intent, and more.

These projects are designed for learning purposes and are not complete, production-ready applications or solutions.

liveProject mentor Noorhan Abbas shares what she likes about the Manning liveProject platform.

here's what's included

Project 1 Question Answering
In this liveProject you’ll develop a chatbot that can answer its user’s questions, using the Hugging Face NLP library. Your challenges will include building the task with DistilBERT transformer, and experimenting with other transformer models to improve your results. Once you’ve built an accurate NLP model, you’ll develop a Telegram bot and integrate it with your Question Answer task.
Project 2 Intent Classification
In this liveProject you’ll develop a chatbot that can classify a user’s intent, using the Hugging Face NLP library. Your challenges will include building the task with the Bart transformer, and building a specialized task for detecting toxic language. You’ll then develop a Telegram bot and integrate it with your toxicity classification task.
Project 3 Summarization
In this liveProject you’ll develop a chatbot that can summarize a longer text, using the HuggingFace NLP library. Your challenges will include building the task with the Bart transformer, and experimenting with other transformer models to improve your results. Once you’ve built an accurate NLP model, you’ll explore other community models and integrate your summarization task with a chatbot.
Project 4 Translation
In this liveProject you’ll develop a chatbot that can translate user messages, using the Hugging Face NLP library. Your challenges will include building the task with the T5 transformer, and build a Translation task considering different languages with mBART. You’ll classify the language of users' messages, and integrate your translation task with a chatbot.
Project 5 Named-Entity Recognition
In this liveProject you’ll develop a chatbot that can extract entities from user messages using the Hugging Face NLP library. Entity extraction pulls relevant data from chunks of text. Your challenges will include building a Named Entity Recognition task with the BERT transformer, and fine-tuning it to a medical context. You’ll then integrate your tasks into a chatbot.

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project author

Giuliano Bertoti
Giuliano Bertoti holds a Master of Science in Electronic Engineering and Computing from the Aeronautics Institute of Technology in Brazil. He has been a professor of Software Engineering and other computer science disciplines for 14 years and has developed several projects in the field of Artificial Intelligence.


This liveProject is for intermediate Python programmers with some experience in natural language processing. To begin this liveProject you will need to be familiar with the following:

  • Intermediate Python
  • Basics of Jupyter Notebook
  • Basics of natural language processing


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