Explore the most challenging issues of natural language processing, and learn how to solve them with cutting-edge deep learning!
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing you’ll find a wealth of NLP insights, including:
- An overview of NLP and deep learning
- One-hot text representations
- Word embeddings
- Models for textual similarity
- Sequential NLP
- Semantic role labeling
- Deep memory-based NLP
- Linguistic structure
- Hyperparameters for deep NLP
Deep learning has advanced natural language processing to exciting new levels and powerful new applications! For the first time, computer systems can achieve "human" levels of summarizing, making connections, and other tasks that require comprehension and context.
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing reveals the groundbreaking techniques that make these innovations possible. Stephan Raaijmakers distills his extensive knowledge into useful best practices, real-world applications, and the inner workings of top NLP algorithms.