AWS Security Controls you own this product

code editor basics • command line basics • basics of navigating the AWS Management console
skills learned
secure AWS services (S3, DynamoDB, Lambda, CloudFront, and API Gateway)
Zoheb Ainapore
1 week · 6-8 hours per week · BEGINNER

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Help the Cumberland City Council earn—and keep!—the trust of the residents it serves. As a cloud engineer working on its “Traffic Safety Upliftment” initiative to improve performance and availability, you’ll secure the AWS services (S3, DynamoDB, Lambda, CloudFront, and API Gateway) associated with its static website and serverless web apps on the AWS cloud.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Zoheb A
Zoheb is a principal security advisor based in Australia and has previously worked in the Middle East and South Asia. He’s an active OWASP member. He’s volunteered at events introducing cyber security to kids, mentored teenagers seeking entry into cyber security fields, and has been a guest lecturer and mentor to university students pursuing a degree in cyber security. He’s reviewed numerous Manning technical books and enjoys the interactive learning provided by the liveProject platform.


This liveProject is for engineers who are responsible for securely migrating on-prem applications to the cloud. To begin these liveProjects you’ll need to be familiar with the following:

  • Basics of using code editors (such as Visual Studio Code)
  • Basics of using the command line (Windows, macOS, or Linux)
  • Basics of navigating the AWS Management Console
  • Basic knowledge of building and running traditional servers and deploying web applications
  • Basics of web technologies
  • Basic networking and database concepts
  • Overview of the AWS Service Dashboard and a high-level overview of the types of services
  • Basic understanding of serverless architectures


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