Create a Self-Service Platform you own this product

basic TypeScript • intermediate Node.js • basic Git • intermediate AWS
skills learned
design an API • store data on DynamoDB • run background processes with Child Processes API • run Git programmatically
Daniel Li
1 week · 6-8 hours per week · INTERMEDIATE

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As the sole DevOps engineer for BuildIT, a fast-growing digital agency that builds websites and applications for its clients, your task is to create a self-service platform that enables the development team to deploy their own test/developmental environment (instead of asking you to do it for them). You’ll build a TypeScript API that will interface with a simple frontend UI (provided to you), further automating a semi-automated CDKTF (CDK for Terraform) workflow. When you’re done, you’ll have built a simple, user-friendly, interface that empowers developers to create, view, and delete environments on their own—leaving you free to focus on more productive pursuits.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Daniel Li
Daniel Li is a generalist staff software engineer who has nearly a decade of experience spanning front-end, back-end, system administration, DevOps, and platform engineering. He’s the author of Building Enterprise JavaScript Applications, which explains how various tools in the JavaScript ecosystem work together. Daniel is a regular speaker at meetups and conferences, including PlatformCON.


This liveProject is for platform engineers, engineers interested in further automating infrastructure as code (IaC) practices, engineers working with AWS, and DevOps engineers. To begin these liveProjects you’ll need to be familiar with the following:

  • Basic Express.js
  • Intermediate Node.js
  • Intermediate TypeScript
  • Basic Amazon DynamoDB
  • Basic AWS SDK
  • Understand the Node.js main event loop
  • Understand processes that spawn child processes
  • stdin and stdout


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