Hands-on with C++ 20: Ranges, Coroutines, Concepts, and Modules you own this product

intermediate C++11
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modules • coroutines • concepts • ranges
Joe Justesen
4 weeks · 5-8 hours per week · INTERMEDIATE

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In this liveProject, you’ll explore the new features of C++20 by upgrading BOSS—the “Bread Optimized Shipping System” of a large national baker. The main logic of BOSS is written in C++, and your team prides itself on keeping it up to date with the latest C++ standards. Your job is to enhance BOSS using different parts of C++20.

You’ll move an existing codebase to the latest C++ features to enhance your team’s productivity, and make it possible to move faster in the future. Unlock new C++20 features such as modules to organize your code, coroutines to optimize the service response times and resource usage, ranges to support dealing with a range of elements in a collection, and concepts to manage template classes. By the time you’re done, you’ll have gotten your hands dirty with some of the most exciting new features of C++20.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Joe Justesen
Joe Justesen is a software developer at Perspecta Labs working on mission control software for the next-generation UAVs. He has been developing software since 1992 on the desktop and backend, primarily using C++ with some Python and JavaScript as needed. He is currently creating multi-threaded C++ software to emulate hardware that allows the development of mission optimization systems.


This liveProject is for confident C++ programmers who know C++11 and are interested in expanding their skills in the latest version of C++. To begin this liveProject, you will need to be familiar with the following:

  • Intermediate C++
  • The latest C++ compiler available for your platform
  • An IDE or text editor
  • Selection of the proper STL container
  • Use of STL Algorithms
  • Creating lambda functions for use in STL algorithms
  • Creating class templates
  • Creating function templates


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  • Hands-on with C++ 20: Ranges, Coroutines, Concepts, and Modules project for free